BOOBS! and other stuff, but who cares about that cos there are boobs

So, today is my birthday, so i went out shopping with my parents and then went to lunch and i ate noodles and dumplings and it was nommy. AND i actually bought stuff. I’ve not bought anything for aaaaaages. AND I BOUGHT BRAS! For a while i thought the world was going to end as the stupid posh bras in the stupid posh department store didn’t go below a 32, but i went into M&S and actually found a couple that were pretty and not too expensive. And i bought something green. i don’t think i own anything green, but they didnt have the pink one i wanted in my size, and the green is kinda growing on me. I guess having something different for once is nice. and it’s silk, and pretty. oh, and a fucking DD cup. I refuse to believe i have DD size breasts,  it is a physical impossibility, they are SMALL…ok, well not small, but smallish. Stupid indoctrination from my teen years i think makes me think anything bigger than a C cup is OMGHUGE. But it clearly isn’t. anyway, bras that fit ftw.

anyway, you dont care about all that crap, you just wanna see boobs, right?

Well, tough, you’re gonna have to wait.

I also bought this. I am becoming a complete bedding whore, but i REFUSE to spend hundreds of pounds on my bedding. but yay for sales. fucking 500 thread count bitches. I am never going to leave my bed. Though i have a huge dilemma, as i only put clean sheets on like 2 days ago, but i wanna use these nooooooow.


And the most exciting part of the day was my dad just being all casual like and saying ‘you know that lens you’ve been going on about, well we’ll buy you it if you like’. Our attempts to get to the shop before it shut were thwarted by GPS, roadworks, and heavy traffic, but that’s ok, cos it’s cheaper online. So soon this blog will be full of OMGWIDE photos. mmmmm, wide angle.

oh, right, yeah. boobs.


One thought on “BOOBS! and other stuff, but who cares about that cos there are boobs”

  1. Totally late to the party but I nearly bought that bra in M&S 🙂 but mah boobs did not look nearly so awesome in it so I didn’t. Just thought you’d like to know that.


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